The Puerto Rican Clientele in East Harlem Catholic Charities a Survey of Problems and Services of the Family Service District Office May 1951 to December 1956

Angelita L Camunas, Fordham University


Background of the Study. "Charity lies at the heart of the world and without it the riddle of the universe and of man remains cold and dark. The balm that soothes, the virtue that heals and the power that forgives flow only from charity. Divine Love must be the root and sap of any successful remedy for human ills, or any solution for social disorders”.The chief outlet of charity which is based on the love of God must be in the love of one's neighbor and especially one's needy neighbor who is made in the image and likeness of God.This is the philosophy that permeates the work of the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, and which led to their opening in May 1951, of the East Harlem District Office. In doing this they were conforming to their old tradition of taking care of newcomers to the United States. The history of Catholic Charities is the history of helping the immigrants, and in establishing this office for services to the Puerto Rican migrants they were keeping faith with their tradition.

Subject Area

Social research|Social studies education|Latin American Studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Camunas, Angelita L, "The Puerto Rican Clientele in East Harlem Catholic Charities a Survey of Problems and Services of the Family Service District Office May 1951 to December 1956" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670829.
