Criteria for Foster Parents: A Comparative Study of Forty One Approved Applicants and Twenty Four Rejected Processed at the Society for Seamen’s Children, Foster Care Agency, Staten Island, New York, Year 1961

Luis Ernesto Rios, Fordham University


Background of the Study. In the present field of social work, the foster home is considered the backbone of a child boarding care agency. It means to a foster child "the day by day living situation which he uses for his continued growth and development".In this comparative study the author will attempt to evaluate as accurately as possible the criteria for foster parents. The chosen agency is the Society for Seamen’s Children a foster care agency, and only those approved and rejected applicants processed in 1961 are selected for the study. Before introducing this study, it may be proper to summarize some of the history and development of foster care.If we open the pages of past events, we find that some form of boarding care existed during the biblical times. It was commonly practiced by the Hebrews. Funds were raised in some form of collection within their respective congregations. During this time, home life and family education were considered of more value than economic gains.As early as the fifteenth century many European countries favored the principle of family home care for destitute or parentless children.

Subject Area

Social research|Social studies education|Social work

Recommended Citation

Rios, Luis Ernesto, "Criteria for Foster Parents: A Comparative Study of Forty One Approved Applicants and Twenty Four Rejected Processed at the Society for Seamen’s Children, Foster Care Agency, Staten Island, New York, Year 1961" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670841.
