Social Welfare Services A Study of the Social Welfare Services of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine in the Light of the Conceptual Framework Proposed by Harriett M. Bartlett in Analyzing Social Work Practice by Fields: Madonna House, New York City, 1910-1960

Sister Mary Catharine Burke, Fordham University


As an outgrowth of the National Congress of Religious, a series of institutes was organized which was to supplement the Sister Formation Conference and the Conference of Major Religious Superiors of Women's Institutes, Known as the Sisters' Institute of Spirituality, the institute has been held annually since 1953 at the University of Notre Dame. The 1959 Institute, the theme of which was "The Superior and the Personal Development of the Subject Religious", was "the first of a three year cycle devoted to the formation of the Sister Superior for her important responsibilities." Among a number of salient areas covered at the Institute, one of the most significant in the judgment of this writer was the discussion of the environmental factors conditioning personal development. Included in this area was an exploration of the compatibility of the principles of psychology with the traditional principles of the spiritual life. In addition, an attempt was made to indicate the problems in meeting basic human needs of religious women and the way the religious environment can satisfy these needs.

Subject Area

Womens studies|Spirituality|Religion|Social psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Burke, Sister Mary Catharine, "Social Welfare Services A Study of the Social Welfare Services of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine in the Light of the Conceptual Framework Proposed by Harriett M. Bartlett in Analyzing Social Work Practice by Fields: Madonna House, New York City, 1910-1960" (1963). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30670854.
