An Historical Survey of the St. Francis Sanatorium for Cardiac Children, Roslyn, L.I., 1937–1951, With Emphasis on the Social Service Department

Sister Mary of Blessed Claude de la Colombiere Dufault, Fordham University


Ever since the fall of man there have been weak members of society, there have been strong members ; weak and strong in mind, body and soul; weak and strong in the possession of this world's goods. Yet, St. Paul could say; "We are all one in Jesus Christ" (Gal.III, 28). Christ Himself very simply gave us the method to accomplish the leveling of these two great poles of humanity, "Love one another" (St. John, XV,17). This, in truth, can be termed the great ideal of Catholic Social Work; love through the understanding and service of 2 one member to another, of strong groups to weaker groups.The expression of this philosophy is to be the subject matter of the present study wherein will be seen applied all the forces which that particular strong group, St. Francis Sanatorium, utilizes to help that particular weak group composed of children with rheumatic heart disease. It is, then, essentially physical weakness that will be considered together with the physical facilities and human strengths coming to its aid. Yet it is a common phenomena of human nature that physical weakness seldom strikes an individual without bringing in its wake social, emotional and often intellectual deviations. Therefore, effective care of the stricken child entails more than the merely physical treatment, though this be the primary concern. Ideally, the treatment should offer help to all the facets of the human personality simultaneously, that is, the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical endowments of the child.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education

Recommended Citation

Dufault, Sister Mary of Blessed Claude de la Colombiere, "An Historical Survey of the St. Francis Sanatorium for Cardiac Children, Roslyn, L.I., 1937–1951, With Emphasis on the Social Service Department" (1951). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724922.
