Schizophrenic Veterans Under the Trial Visit Program A Study of Five Patients With the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type Known to the Veterans Administration New York Regional Office Social Service Unit, 1956–1957

Robert Frank Hill, Fordham University


Mental Illness, while very much in the public consciousness today, is one of mankind's most debilitating diseases. Possibly, because of the stigma associated with this disease and the lack of refined methods of treatment, the tendency has been to discuss this subject in hush hush tones or not at all. Those persons who have a professional or lay interest in this subject may find this dissertation helpful in that it presents factual information relating to the hypersensitivity of the psychotic individual diagnosed as a paranoid type.Background of the Study. As a second year student of the Fordham University School of Social Service working toward the degree of Master of Social Service, the writer had a field work placement at the New York Regional Office of the Veterans Administration. This placement consisted of continued participation in the Trial Visit Supervision Program. This study of schizophrenic veterans, paranoid type was motivated by the writer’s intense interest in the super-sensitivity of the perceptual ability of an individual whose continuity of personality has been so severely disrupted.

Subject Area

Social work|Military studies|Social research|Mental health

Recommended Citation

Hill, Robert Frank, "Schizophrenic Veterans Under the Trial Visit Program A Study of Five Patients With the Diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type Known to the Veterans Administration New York Regional Office Social Service Unit, 1956–1957" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724948.
