A Survey of the Public and Private Recreational Facilities of the South Jamaica Area of Queens County to Determine the Need for Additional Recreational Facilities in That Area

John Vincent Kavanagh, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Recreation was not a problem among the so called primitive people. It became a problem only when society became more highly organized and motives of material gain became dominant. This desire for material gain led to an overemphasis on work as a means of securing these physical advantages. This would not have been so unfortunate in itself but science and invention took most of the joy and satisfaction out of work. No longer was work done in the pleasant surroundings of the home but with the new machines it was done in the physically unhealthy factories of the crowded cities. Recreation then became a social problem. It represented an element of life that needed to be recaptured for large masses of the people of the highly civilized countries.The shortening of the hours of labor to permit recreation has been a bitter struggle extending over a period of more than a century. Now society has won its battle for leisure time. Laws restricting child labor have been enforced and the eight hour day is practically universal.

Subject Area

Social work|Law|Social research|Recreation

Recommended Citation

Kavanagh, John Vincent, "A Survey of the Public and Private Recreational Facilities of the South Jamaica Area of Queens County to Determine the Need for Additional Recreational Facilities in That Area" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724960.
