Group Facilities, Residential Care for Adolescents: A Study of the Need for Group Facilities Providing Residential Care for Adolescents in Nassau County, New York, Between November 1, 1962, and October 31, 1963

Robert M Harris, Fordham University


Background of the Study. In preparation for the White House Conference on Youth in 1960, each state in the United States was requested to submit a proposed agenda which would merit national discussion. In turn New York State, under its Division of Youth, requested from each county suggestions which might be placed on such an agenda. In Nassau County The Health and Welfare Council sponsored a series of meetings of all social work executives serving youth in Nassau County, to discuss various proposals to be recommended to the Division of Youth.This dissertation is concerned with the sixth part of the project - the study concerning residential services for adolescents. Originally the study was confined to boys; later it was extended to include girls. As the project Director considered the study and as it became more refined through consultations with the Sociology and Social Work Departments of Adelphi College, various specialists from the United States Children's Bureau, The Child Welfare League of America and numerous local, county, state and national agencies, the study became more precise with exact definitions for each word in its title.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education

Recommended Citation

Harris, Robert M, "Group Facilities, Residential Care for Adolescents: A Study of the Need for Group Facilities Providing Residential Care for Adolescents in Nassau County, New York, Between November 1, 1962, and October 31, 1963" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724965.
