Child Placement Requests: A Descriptive Study of Twenty - Requests for Placement at the Bronx Catholic Charities From May I960 to June 1960

Maria M Camacho, Fordham University


Background of the Study. In the Christian ideal of life, the family has always occupied a basic and unique role from the point of view of the individual as well as society.The Christian concept of family life incorporates the total needs of the individuals which include not only the social, economic, physical, mental, emotional, but also the spiritual and religious. In view of all this, Family Service Division provides services related to family problems, giving much consideration to the religious and moral welfare of the individual and the family group.The help of the social worker at the Family Service Division has been often sought for a large variety of family troubles. However, the writers attention is directed mainly to those families interested in placing their children. We are aware that many parents may seek placement of their children when beset by financial worries, marital discord, illness, or behavior-difficulties with their children. Within this setting, casework services are offered to parents who may need guidance and understanding at the time when difficulties prove too much for them to manage alone.

Subject Area

Social work|Social studies education|Individual & family studies|Religion

Recommended Citation

Camacho, Maria M, "Child Placement Requests: A Descriptive Study of Twenty - Requests for Placement at the Bronx Catholic Charities From May I960 to June 1960" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724972.
