Early Discharge From Trial Visit: A Case Study of Ten Veterans Discharged From the Veterans Administration, New York Regional Office Between January and December 1955

Leo Frederick Herrmann, Fordham University


Background of the Study. There has been increasing progress in attempts to understand and help the mentally ill. Causes of mental disorders have been isolated, and there is an increasing awareness that the patient’ s problems are an outgrowth of not only one but many various and diversified factors. One of the most important of these factors is the home and family situation which might affect the illness. Studies of the mentally ill have indicated that many factors in the family situation could contribute to the patient’s illness. Thus, the negative elements in the familial relationship can be considered as possible "causes" of the patient’s mental illness.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Mental health|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Herrmann, Leo Frederick, "Early Discharge From Trial Visit: A Case Study of Ten Veterans Discharged From the Veterans Administration, New York Regional Office Between January and December 1955" (1957). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724978.
