The Mental Patient in the Community: A Study of the Social Adjustment of Ten Former Mental Patients Who Are Active Members of Fountain House, Manhattan. 1961–1962

Caesar Thomas Brunelli, Fordham University


Background of the Study. The problems of the mentally ill, their families and all the people connected with them, is a common concern of all people. In the United States, despite the fact that increasingly greater investments of public and private funds have been devoted to solving the problem of mental illness, it continues to assume major proportions. It is the Nation's greatest public health problem.The rising tide of mentally ill people and an increased public awareness of the problem, led to the Mental Health Act on July 3, 1946. Since that time, there has been a great deal of progress in the national attempt to solve the problem. This has been accomplished through three major programs of : research, training of personnel, and the development of community services for mental health protection and treatment.

Subject Area

Social work|Mental health|Social studies education|Public health

Recommended Citation

Brunelli, Caesar Thomas, "The Mental Patient in the Community: A Study of the Social Adjustment of Ten Former Mental Patients Who Are Active Members of Fountain House, Manhattan. 1961–1962" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724989.
