A History of the Federation of the Handicapped, Inc., New York: 1935–1949

James Joseph Mallon, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Not many people, if any, would dispute the foregoing statement, yet in reality, how few have actively helped in furthering the cause of the disabled. Industry as a whole has been reluctant to join their cause. “Estimates showed approximately seventy-five per cent of 5,000,000 United States cripples employable”. There has never been anywhere near that figure on the labor market. The reasons for this are numerous and complex. Probably the greatest one is man's hesitation to ask or wish his disabled brother to take on the same responsibility of a person with full motor capacity. Another and equally important point is the lack of training facilities available to the handicapped.To overcome these deterrents, a group of disabled men and woman have rallied together in their own behalf. They have, through their efforts, done much to educate the public to understand their needs, as well as to train themselves to meet these needs. Their undertaking, because of its uniqueness and importance to all disabled, will be thoroughly examined in the following pages.

Subject Area

Social work|Disability studies|Social studies education

Recommended Citation

Mallon, James Joseph, "A History of the Federation of the Handicapped, Inc., New York: 1935–1949" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30724995.
