Verbal Aggression: An Analysis and Evaluation of Eleven Emotionally Disturbed Girls Referred to Youth Consultation Service, Newark, New Jersey, for Temporary Care, 1960-1961

Andree Marie Carter, Fordham University


Background. Youth Consultation Service, located in northern Newark, New Jersey, is a voluntary, nonsectarian agency organized under the auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Newark. It is a social agency which offers and specializes in casework services to young people in their teens, and their parents. In addition to casework, the agency maintains and operates a reception center which serves children from any county in the state of New Jersey. Children are referred to the agency by the New Jersey State Board of Child Welfare.Teen-agers are referred to Youth Consultation Service by school counselors, clergymen, community organizations, friends, and parents. Since two other agencies in the city provide services sufficient to meet the needs of youth in the community, residents of the city of Newark are not eligible for the program offered by Youth Consultation Service. The agency's services are available to the residents of seven co unties, and one township in northern New Jersey.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Mental health|School counseling

Recommended Citation

Carter, Andree Marie, "Verbal Aggression: An Analysis and Evaluation of Eleven Emotionally Disturbed Girls Referred to Youth Consultation Service, Newark, New Jersey, for Temporary Care, 1960-1961" (1962). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725004.
