A Descriptive Study of the Home Care Program at Morrisania City Hospital of New York

Carrie Gustava Miller, Fordham University


Many facilities, both public and private, have been developed for persons who are ill. This is evident in rural and urban communities alike or where any semblance of civilized living exists.In the United States where a constantly higher goal is being set towards a better standard of health, various approaches are being investigated and put into practice in an effort to develop more efficient health services.Such developments of health programs, both experimental and standardized types, appear most noticeable in urban communities where great demand exists for fully adequate medical services. This demand ranges from the use of the help and advice sought from private family physicians to the enormous scientific programs and research projects in related fields.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education|Health care management

Recommended Citation

Miller, Carrie Gustava, "A Descriptive Study of the Home Care Program at Morrisania City Hospital of New York" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725005.
