A Social Survey of St. Joseph’s Home Jersey City, 1885–195O

Alfred B Vuocolo, Fordham University


In 1930, the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection convened and drew up The Children's Charter. This Charter was a great contribution to national child welfare work. To a Catholic, however, it is merely a restatement of the centuries-old concept of the parent-child, family relationship advocated by the Church. The Church recognized not only the right of the child to a normal home, but also his right to the care that will provide the benefits of a normal home, if they are not forthcoming.In keeping with Her tradition, Holy Mother Church, through her instrument, The Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark, established St. Joseph's Home almost a half-century before the publication of the Charter, in order to provide the care to her homeless, and dependent children that was rightfully due them in justice.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Vuocolo, Alfred B, "A Social Survey of St. Joseph’s Home Jersey City, 1885–195O" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725014.
