An Historical Survey of the New Jersey State Commission for the Blind 1909–1949

Helen V McGrath, Fordham University


This work covers the history of the New Jersey State Commission for the Blind from 1909 to 1949. The expansion and extension of the Commission program is outlined and analyzed to demonstrate the manner in which it fulfills its responsibility to determine and assist in meeting the needs of New Jersey residents who are severely hindered in their normal pursuits because of defective vision.In handling this material, answers to the following questions have been sought. What are the needs of the blind in New Jersey? How can these needs be met by a public welfare agency? Which of these needs is being met adequately by the State Commission for the Blind? Which needs are not being met by the agency? How are specific problems being handled by the agency? A Commission "client" is a New Jersey resident, permanent or temporary, who is registered with the agency and whose eligibility for Commission service is established by a written report from an ophthalmologist stating that the patient classifies as blind. Because of the inaccessibility of the data and the complexity of the budgeting system, financing is not discussed.Through the years several private organizations in the state have taken an interest in specific phases of the whole work. The contributions of these groups have been considered only as they affect the work of the Commission.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Disability studies|Social studies education

Recommended Citation

McGrath, Helen V, "An Historical Survey of the New Jersey State Commission for the Blind 1909–1949" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725017.
