Problems of the Adolescent Unmarried Mother a Study of Ten Cases Known to the Angel Guardian Home From 1938 to 1948

Marie Therese Petgrave, Fordham University


Background of the Study. The adolescent unmarried mother does not represent a new type of problem. However, a greater understanding of the conflicts of adolescence, and the importance of secure positive parent-child relationships have brought about an increased awareness of and insight into the motivations behind this particular form of behavior.This problem is essentially social since our civilization tends to censure the birth of children out of wedlock. Various cultural groups regard the problem in different ways ranging from strict condemnation to matter-of-fact acceptance. This last mentioned view is somewhat modified, in the case of the adolescent girl, by the fact that she is little more than a child herself and her attendance at school up to the age of seventeen is required by law. Many schools expel such girls when they discover that they are pregnant. This involves a certain amount of disgrace and humiliation to the family in the eyes of the community.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Petgrave, Marie Therese, "Problems of the Adolescent Unmarried Mother a Study of Ten Cases Known to the Angel Guardian Home From 1938 to 1948" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725025.
