A Mental Hygiene Unit in a Parole Setting: A Study and Evaluation of the Cooperation Between the Mental Hygiene Unit and the Parole Staff in Relation to One Hundred Cases of Parole Violation New York State Division of Parole, 1960–1962

Saul Skobel, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Law enforcement agencies engaged in rehabilitative work with the offender have moved, in recent years, to enlist the assistance of the psychiatrist, psychologist, and the graduate social worker in their day to day, practical operation. Incorporation of these disciplines in the functions of the New York State Division of Parole in January 1959 posed problems as to the manner in which this would be best performed, so that the parole officer would understand the aid that was being offered, and that any possible threat to his personal and official status, be obviated.Alfred R. Loos, Member of the Board, New York State Division of Parole, has strongly felt that proper results could not be achieved in the correctional system if the several disciplines worked as independent units and that if such coordination and cooperation were not obtained, such psychiatric services would again be doomed to failure. Along these same lines, Sanger B. Powers, Chairman of the Wisconsin Board of Parole, in speaking of the need of the offender being treated by trained professional personnel, concluded that "close liaison between the professional staffs concerned with parole supervision, insures a continuous integrated program.” Again, in speaking about the need for integrated psychiatric units in institutions, Dr. Ralph A. Brancale stressed that, only with such a facility, can the psychiatrist collate the necessary sociological, psychological and medical findings and set them into one unified report containing intelligent interpretations and recommendations, that can be relayed to the staff and to other agencies.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Law enforcement|Clinical psychology

Recommended Citation

Skobel, Saul, "A Mental Hygiene Unit in a Parole Setting: A Study and Evaluation of the Cooperation Between the Mental Hygiene Unit and the Parole Staff in Relation to One Hundred Cases of Parole Violation New York State Division of Parole, 1960–1962" (1964). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725041.
