The Problems of Re-adjustment to Civilian Life of Japanese-American Evacuees From the West Coast

Haruko Kuroiwa, Fordham University


Background of Study. It is generally recognized that children of immigrants to America, the second-generation, have a degree of difficulty in adjusting to American ways. The Nisei, are the second-generation of Japanese immigrants, who have adopted most of the prevailing customs and attitudes of those Americans about them but find that they are unable to free themselves entirely from the influence of their parents’ origin. Their cultural background and in the majority of cases the inferior social and occupational status into which they are born has a great influence upon them. Therefore, one finds that their problems of adjustment date back to their birth in an immigrant family.Upon examination of the Nisei’s problems, they do not differ too greatly from those of other racial minority groups. One of their problems is an occupational problem. Japanese are not hired in the more desirable positions as readily as the Caucasians. Reasons for this are the oppositions from fellow employees and also from clientele of the different employers they may be working for. The Japanese have not been able to be self-sufficient within themselves because of the lack of numbers. Another very pressing and crucial problem in their lives is their lack of social acceptance. They are not socially accepted in many Caucasian groups and in the majority of cases the extent of their contact with Caucasians is in the school situation. Both of these problems have been a source of insecurity to them and has made their adjustment to Caucasian groups rather difficult.

Subject Area

Social work|Asian American Studies|Social research|Social studies education

Recommended Citation

Kuroiwa, Haruko, "The Problems of Re-adjustment to Civilian Life of Japanese-American Evacuees From the West Coast" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725061.
