Rehabilitation – A Total Approach in Treatment: A Study of a Schizo-Quadriparetic and a Post-polio Paraplegic at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, New York University – Bellevue Medical Center, New York City, 1958 – 1959

Kathleen A Kelleher, Fordham University


The purpose of this writing is, through the medium of case study, to examine the total approach to treatment of the physically handicapped person as the program is structured and operates at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, New York University - Bellevue Medical Center, more familiarly called the Institute.Although this comprehensive method of care embracing the physical, social, psychological and vocational needs of the disabled person is distinctly a twentieth century concept, rehabilitation began the first time historic man concerned himself with the welfare of his fellow humans.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education|Disability studies

Recommended Citation

Kelleher, Kathleen A, "Rehabilitation – A Total Approach in Treatment: A Study of a Schizo-Quadriparetic and a Post-polio Paraplegic at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, New York University – Bellevue Medical Center, New York City, 1958 – 1959" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725068.
