Communication Between Foster Care Agencies and Public Schools: An Exploration of Existing Relationships With a View Toward Improving Service to Foster Children. Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County, September, 1960

Elizabeth May Wilshusen, Fordham University


"For us they are never numbers or statistics, they are individuals, human beings and all we do to work together for them is tremendously important and worthwhile."The study herein described is submitted in the hope that it will prove to be another step up the long stairway to achievement of our highest aspirations for the wellbeing of children. The special concern of this paper is the welfare of the child who is called a "foster child," In the course of this research, it has been noted that there appear to be as many connotations attributed to the word "foster" as there are children who bear the label. The clarification of the concepts of the "foster" child and "foster care" become as much a part of this paper as is the quest for ways and means of improving the relationships and communication between the public schools and social agencies who share in the guidance and guardianship of the "foster" child.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education|Statistics

Recommended Citation

Wilshusen, Elizabeth May, "Communication Between Foster Care Agencies and Public Schools: An Exploration of Existing Relationships With a View Toward Improving Service to Foster Children. Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County, September, 1960" (1961). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725070.
