Angel Guardian Home: A History of the Boarding Department of a Child-Caring Institution in Brooklyn, New York (1943–1959)

Thomas Peter Edward Cassels, Fordham University


Background and Timeliness of the Study. The year 1959 marked the sixtieth anniversary of the official opening of the Angel Guardian Home; sixty years of care for thousands of children; sixty years of adapting its program so as to meet the needs of and to grow with the community it served.The only organized, complete historic account of the Agency was written in 1943. Since that time there have been many new developments in the general field of Child Care. In order to demonstrate the way the Sisters adapted their program to incorporate these new developments, the writer believes that a current history of the Agency would be useful. it could serve as an example of current practice in the field as carried on in one of the largest child caring institutions in New York City. The problems facing the Sisters of Mercy in Brooklyn are not unique in the field of child care, and the manner in which they are meeting them might be of interest to others with similar problems.

Subject Area

Social work|Social research|Social studies education|History

Recommended Citation

Cassels, Thomas Peter Edward, "Angel Guardian Home: A History of the Boarding Department of a Child-Caring Institution in Brooklyn, New York (1943–1959)" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI30725076.
