Hearing Impairment: A Study of Eight Psycho-Social Factors to Organic and Non-organic Hearing Impaired Veterans to Determine the Contribution the Social Worker Can Make to the Evolution of the Treatment of Non-organic Hearing Loss at the Audiology Study Unit of the Veterans Administration New York Regional Office, 1958-1960

Thomas Carl Ksiazek, Fordham University


After the tragedy of war, when the weapons of death and destruction are momentarily silenced, the scarred and affiliated war veteran returns home with the hope in his heart for an eternal peace. Also, he returns with the expectancy of receiving the medical ears and treatment equal to the ultimate in service which he has rendered his country.Realizing our debt to these defenders, an executive order was issued to establish an independent agency to treat, these, our sick and affiliated veterans. On 1 July 21, 1930 the Veterans Administration was established. It consolidated all hospitals and agencies charged with administering laws relative to relief, pensions, education, Insurance and other benefits provided by law to veterans.

Subject Area

Multicultural Education|Law|Audiology|American history

Recommended Citation

Ksiazek, Thomas Carl, "Hearing Impairment: A Study of Eight Psycho-Social Factors to Organic and Non-organic Hearing Impaired Veterans to Determine the Contribution the Social Worker Can Make to the Evolution of the Treatment of Non-organic Hearing Loss at the Audiology Study Unit of the Veterans Administration New York Regional Office, 1958-1960" (1961). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050471.
