Child Placement Problems in Foster Home Care: A Study of Foster Parent – Foster Child Relationships as a Factor in the “Poor Adjustment” of Ten Children at the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, 1958–1959

Francis X Femminella, Fordham University


Foster home care as it relates to the rearing of children by substitute parents has been known to exist since the days of classical antiquity. The "Sunday School" pupil who studies his Biblical stories has described for him what may be considered the oldest record of foster child placement - the finding of Moses in a basket. Foster home care, as a specialized social wel- fare service, however, is a concept of more recent development.During the 18th and 19th centuries, characterized in Western Civilization by the development of large industrial societies, the welfare needs of individuals in the society became more complex and more intense. The traditional human social institutions - the family, the tribe, the church, etc. were no longer able to cope with these heightened problems. Fortunately, there developed simultaneously greater understanding about the needs of people and, more recently, greater skill in enabling people to find solutions to their problems. Out of these parallel developments grew a recognition of the need for greater public as well as private participation in helping those in need, the poor, the destitute, the orphans.

Subject Area

Biblical studies|Religious education|Social work

Recommended Citation

Femminella, Francis X, "Child Placement Problems in Foster Home Care: A Study of Foster Parent – Foster Child Relationships as a Factor in the “Poor Adjustment” of Ten Children at the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, New York, 1958–1959" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050477.
