Alcoholism: A Study of the Factors Related to the Withdrawal of the First Ninety-Five Female Patients From Treatment at the Sunset Park Alcohol Clinic in Brooklyn, New York, Between April, 1962 and February, 1963, With Emphasis on Rapid-Dropout and Failure Groups

Lois M Franco, Fordham University


While a student at the State University Alcohol Clinic and the Sunset Park Alcohol Clinic, practicing Social Casework, the author developed an interest in alcoholic patients and the various aspects of the treatment program in which they were involved. Many questions came to mind about the behavior of these patients and their feelings about attendance in an out-patient clinic. Upon searching some of the literature written about the alcoholic patient as well as reading dissertations, my interest in the topic mounted. Many questions, as well as challenging viewpoints were aroused which fostered enough courage to speak with a number of experts in the field. The author conferred with Mr. Bernard Clifford and Mr. William O'Connor, the chief psychiatric social workers and administrators of the clinics mentioned above. As a result of these consultations, the author was encouraged to have a serious look at the rapid drop-out problem both clinics were experiencing. The author was referred to a study completed in 1964, by Mr. Gerard Kinzler, concerning the male drop-outs. The Sunset Park Alcohol Clinic was interested in a similar study, but with concentration on the female rapid drop-outs, as well as a comparison made between Mr. Kinzler's study and my results to denote any similarities.

Subject Area

Therapy|Social work

Recommended Citation

Franco, Lois M, "Alcoholism: A Study of the Factors Related to the Withdrawal of the First Ninety-Five Female Patients From Treatment at the Sunset Park Alcohol Clinic in Brooklyn, New York, Between April, 1962 and February, 1963, With Emphasis on Rapid-Dropout and Failure Groups" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050499.
