A Case Study of the First Thirteen Cases of Aggressive Conduct Disorder Selected for Treatment With Reserpine Only as Part of a Research Program Conducted at the Saint Charles Child Guidance Clinic, Brooklyn

Richard Allen Lang, Fordham University


Background of the Study. This research is the result of this particular social worker’s longstanding interest in the use of physical or chemical means in the treatment of people who are mentally disturbed. This interest was given some focus in the direction of the topic of this dissertation by the appearance some time ago, in both popular magazines and professional journals, of articles concerned with the two ”wonder drugs” of psychiatry, Chlorpromazine and Reserpine. During the course of his formal training for the profession of social work, the writer was placed for field work practice in a child guidance clinic where there was being conducted a research program involving the study of the use and effects of Reserpine (Upjohn Laboratories brand of Reserpine) in cases of aggressive children.

Subject Area

Multicultural Education|Clinical psychology|Mental health|Social work

Recommended Citation

Lang, Richard Allen, "A Case Study of the First Thirteen Cases of Aggressive Conduct Disorder Selected for Treatment With Reserpine Only as Part of a Research Program Conducted at the Saint Charles Child Guidance Clinic, Brooklyn" (1956). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050509.
