Puerto Rican Youth: An Historical Sketch With Emphasis on Cultural Transmission and Its Relationship to Delinquent Behavior in New York City, 1940-1965

Suzanne Diorio, Fordham University


Background of the Study. A faster basis to any study of Puerto Rican migration is the realization that the problem is not completely new. Every period of immigration to New York City has brought with it riots, gangs and crime. To transplant a large group of culturally different people to an industrial city will inevitably cause tension.It is a fast of history that newcomers to New York City have encountered economic hardship, exploitation and prejudice as well as the greater opportunity for advancement that they se eagerly sought.However, it is important to note one apparent difference between European immigrations and the Puerto Rican migration. For one thing, life in America has changed profoundly in the past fifty years.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

Diorio, Suzanne, "Puerto Rican Youth: An Historical Sketch With Emphasis on Cultural Transmission and Its Relationship to Delinquent Behavior in New York City, 1940-1965" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050538.
