Protective Services for the Neglected Child: Legal and Administrative Difficulties in Five Cases Known to the Puerto Rican Welfare Bureau, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1962

Elba Iris Cruz, Fordham University


Background and Timeliness of the Study. Even though the "family" has always occupied a basic and unique role from the point of view of the individual as well as society, the approach to look at it has been different from past generations. For instance, according to the ideology of the Victorians:All husbands and wives lived together in perfect unity, all children loved their parents, to whom they were in-debted for the gift of life. Moreover, if these things were not true, he ought not to mention it! Everything that concerned the life of men and women and their children was shrouded from the light.

Subject Area

Caribbean Studies|Individual & family studies|Public administration|Social work

Recommended Citation

Cruz, Elba Iris, "Protective Services for the Neglected Child: Legal and Administrative Difficulties in Five Cases Known to the Puerto Rican Welfare Bureau, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1962" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050540.
