Brief Counseling: A Study of 20 Closed Cases in the Intake Department, Brooklyn Bureau of Social Service and Children’s Aid Society, May 1, 1954 – April 30, 1955

Mary Kathryn Carrano, Fordham University


"The study of man remains the most important of all the sciences." One of the outstanding phenomena of our times is the steadily increasing interest in the individual and his adjustment. In the past the emphasis was primarily analytical and diagnostic.With the passing of time, however, the balance has shifted from merely understanding the individual to a consideration of the processes by which he may find help and through which his adjustment is improved.Each individual in his daily life must face the problem of choosing a way to fulfill his tasks. When he is in a state of personal turmoil or disorder, his instincts and emotions tend to control his choice of action. The satisfactions he seeks will not be in conformity with the demands of reality, the rights of others, or his own needs.

Subject Area

Counseling Psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Carrano, Mary Kathryn, "Brief Counseling: A Study of 20 Closed Cases in the Intake Department, Brooklyn Bureau of Social Service and Children’s Aid Society, May 1, 1954 – April 30, 1955" (1956). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050542.
