Temporary Shelter Care A Study of the Function of the Caseworker at Divine Providence Temporary Shelter, Manhattan, New York

Sister Mary Blessed Elizabeth Teresa Sullivan, Fordham University


Within the past twenty to twenty five years a transformation has taken place in the field of case work. Growth in skill and knowledge has been nourished by an increased understanding of the human personality. When dynamic psychiatry revealed the conflicting drives which aid or hinder the emotional development of the individual, a gradual change occurred in the philosophy of casework. Therefore before. attempting to investigate the function of the case worker in the specific setting of temporary care the author feels it is necessary to relate the new concepts in the emerging literature of our profession to their spiritual heritage.Acceptance, self-determination, the non-judgmental attitude and individualization of the client are spoken and written of freely. However it is important to note that these concepts have their basic foundation in Christianity and unless they are seen in a spiritual light most of their potential power for good is lost. They have been the motivating force behind powerful movements in past centuries. When this is recognized we are better able to comprehend why, even on a natural level, the case worker translates his new understanding into action with devotion and generosity. It can be fore seen that supernaturalized this understanding will have a potent influence on our generation.

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Recommended Citation

Sullivan, Sister Mary Blessed Elizabeth Teresa, "Temporary Shelter Care A Study of the Function of the Caseworker at Divine Providence Temporary Shelter, Manhattan, New York" (1956). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050564.
