School Absenteeism: A Study of Twenty Cases That Responded to Treatment During the School Year 1956–1957 as Shown by the Records of the Bureau of Attendance Case Study Training Unit A, New York City

Therese F Connolly, Fordham University


With the dawn of each new year a vast majority of the populace pause long enough to ponder upon past accomplishments as well as to formulate resolutions to overcome any recognized transgressions. Thus it is with the theme of this study wherein the writer plans to review a segment of achievement executed by the Bureau of Attendance, while also scrutinizing areas of possible defect. This latter statement does not imply the Bureau of Attendance is under any cloud of suspicion, but concurs with the adage, "nothing is perfect." Therefore, any improvement of service which may be developed as a result of this study will not only enhance the present high aims and standards of the Bureau of Attendance, but will also be a realization of one of the purposes in the field of research.

Subject Area

American studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Connolly, Therese F, "School Absenteeism: A Study of Twenty Cases That Responded to Treatment During the School Year 1956–1957 as Shown by the Records of the Bureau of Attendance Case Study Training Unit A, New York City" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050566.
