Study of Male Patients Over Sixty-Five Years of Age Accepted for Observation At the Psychiatric Division of Kings County Hospital, During the Month of January 1955

Arlene Lucille Ferragamo, Fordham University


The author became interested in the Aged when she was employed by the Department of Welfare of New York City, several years ago. Through the caseload assigned, the author was able to experience many different kinds of situations concerning the Aged's difficulties. These Aged appeared to be in a "World of Yesterday". They seemed to be "Misfits in Today's Modern World", with their shrunken bodies, shriveled skin and slowness in movement. Many of them were never married and had no living relatives to care for them; in other cases their children refused to care for them or were unable to provide adequate living quarters. Therefore, these individuals lived alone in dark, dingy, unattractive, furnished rooms. They seemed grateful for the monthly visit of the investigator. During these interviews, discussion would entail all of their past experiences, including "trials and tribulations". They would share their experiences, and in many instances offered advice to the investigator. There were a few cases who were troublesome, aggressive, uncooperative and assaultive. Looking back, the writer can now understand that "Man cannot live by bread alone, and has come to know the emotionally starved adult and to recognize some of the ways in which commonly he appeases that hunger.

Subject Area

Multicultural Education|Psychology|Aging

Recommended Citation

Ferragamo, Arlene Lucille, "Study of Male Patients Over Sixty-Five Years of Age Accepted for Observation At the Psychiatric Division of Kings County Hospital, During the Month of January 1955" (1956). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050567.
