Camping: A Study of 26 Disturbed Children at Camp IBG, July, 1964

John A Cascone, Fordham University


Professor Dulles hit upon the central challenge of our society to provide our children with the opportunity of exercising their abilities and realizing their potentialities so their life will have meaning to them and to society. Perhaps the strongest single force within the individual is his need to create and usefully contribute to his social milieu. Those who cannot are frustrated, discontented and restless. These cancerous elements of the human personality are germinated in childhood, and if not destroyed or arrested, spread throughout the individual isolating him from meaningful and healthy social contact.

Subject Area

Social work

Recommended Citation

Cascone, John A, "Camping: A Study of 26 Disturbed Children at Camp IBG, July, 1964" (1965). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050573.
