Child Welfare in Korea An Exploratory Study of Development of a Child Welfare in South Korea, 1950–1960

Chin Sook Park, Fordham University


Background and Timeliness of the Study. Child Welfare has achieved remarkable progress since the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the 1 Child in 1924, which contributed much to the development of programs and services for children throughout the world. The purpose of this study is to depict the development of child welfare activities in Korea.In spite of the many difficulties suffered by Korea throughout her history, particularly those resulting from the ravages of war, there has always existed a strong tradition of recognition and compassion for the needs of children. Equally strong has been the conviction that special provision must be made by the nation to help children in attaining health, maturity and happiness. The cultural pattern of the extended family is an important factor in Kores which needs to be taken into account in explaining the development of child welfare activities, because of its inherent factors of strength around which sound services were developed. In the development of social welfare, it is essential that these cultural patterns be maintained to gain the acceptance and support of the Korean people for the improvement of child welfare services in the country. However, increasing inflation, the threat of Communist invasion, the explosive population growth, and the increasing number of refugees from the North with complicated international political problems have created and continue to create difficult hardships for the country.

Subject Area

Multicultural Education|Social work|Asian Studies

Recommended Citation

Park, Chin Sook, "Child Welfare in Korea An Exploratory Study of Development of a Child Welfare in South Korea, 1950–1960" (1961). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050588.
