Probation Selection in the Fifty Children’s Courts of New York State a Statistical Analysis of the Rank Given by Chief Probation Officers in 1956 to Twenty-One Factors in the Child’s Background When Recommending for Probation

Robert J Alex, Fordham University


The appearance of a child in Children's Court is a turning point in his life. One is put on probation. Another is sent to an institution. Why? What is it in the background of one that makes the probation officer recommend probation, whereas in the other he recommends incarceration? Why is one delinquent child shipped off to a training school or detention home, while the next is given another chance? It is the purpose of this study to find the answers to these questions.

Subject Area

American studies|Social work

Recommended Citation

Alex, Robert J, "Probation Selection in the Fifty Children’s Courts of New York State a Statistical Analysis of the Rank Given by Chief Probation Officers in 1956 to Twenty-One Factors in the Child’s Background When Recommending for Probation" (1956). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050593.
