Foster Children’s Adult Adjustment: A Follow-up Study of Fifteen Former Foster Children of Catholic Children’s Bureau, Philadelphia, 1924–54

Paul Marie Maloney, Fordham University


Background of the Study. From time immemorial dependent children have been cared for in the homes of generous persons. The first child mentioned in the Bible is that of Lot who was adopted by his uncle Abraham." 1.1 The second is that of Moses, who was cared for by the Pharoah's daughter. With the development of tribes, the helpless, sick, widows and orphans were cared for on a basis of mutual help. Religion served as the incentive for these acts of goodness and charity.2 In the early stages of Christian history the poor and orphaned were cared for in a spirit of communal charity. Medieval times still found the Church holding firmly to Christ's teachings on charity.

Subject Area

Social work

Recommended Citation

Maloney, Paul Marie, "Foster Children’s Adult Adjustment: A Follow-up Study of Fifteen Former Foster Children of Catholic Children’s Bureau, Philadelphia, 1924–54" (1961). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31050596.
