Occupational Separation: A Study of the Effect of Paternal Occupational Separation Upon Family Relationships in Six Cases Known to the Bureau of Cooperative Educational Services, Student Adjustment Center, Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County, New York, 1959-1960

Joseph P O'Hara, Fordham University


Background and Timeliness of the Study. The mother of the family has been the focal point of much interest since Freud promulgated his interpretation of the Legend of King Oedipus and gave impetus to his theory of the Oedipal Complex. His discovery of the Oedipal triangle as a factor in the etiology of the psychoneurosis resulted in much research which has provided us with detailed knowledge of how mother and child interact and has added greatly to our understanding of the development of personality. In recent years a wealth of information on the maternal role has become available and has been disseminated to the general public through the writings of individual authors, professional organizations, and articles appearing in the mass mediums of communication.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

O'Hara, Joseph P, "Occupational Separation: A Study of the Effect of Paternal Occupational Separation Upon Family Relationships in Six Cases Known to the Bureau of Cooperative Educational Services, Student Adjustment Center, Third Supervisory District, Suffolk County, New York, 1959-1960" (1961). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31096987.
