The Institutional Adjustment of Adolescents A Case Study of Eight Boys and Girls of High School Age Under Care at the Lieutenant Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Home, Bronx, N. Y., During 1954

Joan Gaynor, Fordham University


Background of the Study. As Emma Lundberg notes in her book "Unto the Least of These", the twentieth century was, at its inception, heralded as the "Century of the Child" and indeed, as one pauses to look back over half a century, it can readily be seen that it has fulfilled its promise. Such tremendous advances have been made in every facet of the field of child welfare that the name can be proudly borne. Nor do present day workers in this field feel that all has been accomplished. To the contrary, with every contribution made to the cause of the child has come an in- creased and promising awareness of how much is yet to be accomplished, but all with a conviction of hopeful expectancy.The White House Conference on Dependent Children, held in 1909, was instrumental in the establishment in 1912 of the United States Children's Bureau, and in 1920 of the Child Welfare League of America.

Subject Area

Higher education|Higher Education Administration

Recommended Citation

Gaynor, Joan, "The Institutional Adjustment of Adolescents A Case Study of Eight Boys and Girls of High School Age Under Care at the Lieutenant Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Home, Bronx, N. Y., During 1954" (1955). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097013.
