The Parole System in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: A Study of the Development Since the Establishment of the Law in 1907 to 1959

Ilia Margarita Rivera, Fordham University


Background and Timeliness of the Study: The practice of liberty under a parole system as we know it in Puerto Rico, had its origins late in the 16th century in England. It did not rise directly from any particular method or source. Parole has characteristics in common with many penal systems, thus deriving its origin from these. One of its characteristics is the "pardon" or "conditional release" which has, throughout the ages, been the province of the executive body i.e., the king, the president or the emperor. The pardon antecedes all other penal systems in practice at this time. "There is evidence of it in the Mosaic Law, the Ley Veda of India" ^and in the Holy Bible. "Go now and sin no more", Jesus said, showing that his is the original source of forgiveness.

Subject Area

Law|Law enforcement

Recommended Citation

Rivera, Ilia Margarita, "The Parole System in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: A Study of the Development Since the Establishment of the Law in 1907 to 1959" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097018.
