A Study of the Recreational Interests and Leisure-Time Activities of Sixty Adolescents Attending Hudson Guild Neighborhood House, Program Year, 1954-1955

Dolores Marie Tomao, Fordham University


Background of the Study. For a variety of socio- economic reasons society today enjoys an abundance of leisure time. Whether this leisure becomes a force for shaping cultural patterns and determining social values of civilization or becomes a liability to society and its institutions depends, to a large extent, upon how it is used.The vast majority of people occupy their leisure time with some form of recreation. Not all recreation contributes to the growth and development of the individual and society, satisfying though it may be to those who participate in it. Yet, recreation is essential to all people.

Subject Area

Clinical psychology|Social work

Recommended Citation

Tomao, Dolores Marie, "A Study of the Recreational Interests and Leisure-Time Activities of Sixty Adolescents Attending Hudson Guild Neighborhood House, Program Year, 1954-1955" (1955). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097030.
