A History of Goodwill Industries of Brooklyn, Incorporated, 1916-1950

Francis Thomas Dwyer, Fordham University


Background of the Study. The Goodwill Industries of Brooklyn is one of 102 autonomous agencies in the United States affiliated with the National Association of Goodwill Industries. It resembles the other agencies in that it serves a threefold purpose. First, it collects unused articles of clothing, furniture, and other household utensils from the homes of people whose incomes are average and above average. Secondly, it enables its handicapped employees to have healthful and remunerative employment in restoring these goods to a state of salability.Thirdly, it provides the opportunity of purchasing these items very reasonably for people in the low income groups.

Subject Area

Economics|Social work

Recommended Citation

Dwyer, Francis Thomas, "A History of Goodwill Industries of Brooklyn, Incorporated, 1916-1950" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097034.
