Prison Self-Government and Thomas Mott Osborne: A Study of the Implementation of the Mutual Welfare League in Auburn Prison and Sing Sing Prison, 1909–1915

John Michael O'connell, Fordham University


Background of the study. “Crime is eternal- as eternal as society. No matter what form or type of human organization, we find that some humans fall outside the accepted patterns of conduct.” When these individuals violate the laws of society they receive its punishment. Numerous proposals and methods have been adopted to encompass the thinking of the different periods of world history.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

O'connell, John Michael, "Prison Self-Government and Thomas Mott Osborne: A Study of the Implementation of the Mutual Welfare League in Auburn Prison and Sing Sing Prison, 1909–1915" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097035.
