Puerto Rican Children: A Case Study of the Problems Involved in the Foster Home Placement of Ten Puerto Rican Children in Foster Homes of the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, 1958

Anthony Dominick Romeo, Fordham University


The United States has been the gateway to new opportunities for countless millions of newcomers to our shores. The pattern of movement has been about the same for each immigrant wave. The first stop was New York City, where many remained. Then came the outward migration to the new Americans to the other parts of our state and nation.The pattern of much of the present Puerto Rican journey is a familiar one. What is unique in the situation of the Puerto Rican is the fact that he is not an immigrant. He is an American when he arrives here. For reasons of language and cultural background, how- ever, he is considered a "stranger" by many.

Subject Area

American studies|Social research|Social work

Recommended Citation

Romeo, Anthony Dominick, "Puerto Rican Children: A Case Study of the Problems Involved in the Foster Home Placement of Ten Puerto Rican Children in Foster Homes of the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, 1958" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097037.
