"A Study of Twenty Five Truancy Cases as Presented and Handled by the S" by Dina Ferrini

A Study of Twenty Five Truancy Cases as Presented and Handled by the School Part of Children's Court, New York City, From April 1948- April 1949

Dina Ferrini, Fordham University


Background of the Study. Truancy, an ever present problem in our complex society, furnishes the danger signal by which we can detect one of the first symptoms of delinquency patterns in children. The subject has been approached from many angles and confronted by many educators, social workers, parents, psychiatrists and others who have been struggling to find the means of effectively coping with truancy. Although these individuals have an understanding of some of the causal factors and treatment methods, we still to this day do not have a full conception of the problem in all its phases. Perhaps this can be answered by the fact that little has been published regarding the dynamics and treatment of truant behavior.

Subject Area

Law|Social work

Recommended Citation

Ferrini, Dina, "A Study of Twenty Five Truancy Cases as Presented and Handled by the School Part of Children's Court, New York City, From April 1948- April 1949" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097041.
