An Historical Study of Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, 1938 to 1947

Arthur Stephen Aubry, Fordham University


Background of the Study. In considering the history of an organization such as Lincoln Hall, an institution for juvenile delinquents, in existence only since 1939, some knowledge of the past history of the organization is necessary. Lincoln Hall was formally incorporated and chartered by the New York State Legislature Laws of 1939, Chapter 438. Previous to the date of its being chartered as Lincoln Hall it was known as The New York Catholic Protectory.The New York Catholic Protectory was chartered, under a Board of Managers, by an act of the New York State Legislature on May 5, 1863 as "The Society for The Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Children in the City of New York." The purpose of this organization was to pro- vide institutional care for "idle, truant, vicious or homeless children between the ages of seven and fourteen, committed by any legally authorized magistrate in New York City."

Subject Area

Law enforcement|Public administration

Recommended Citation

Aubry, Arthur Stephen, "An Historical Study of Lincoln Hall, Lincolndale, New York, 1938 to 1947" (1950). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097042.
