Mental Illness and Public Assistance in Connecticut: A Descriptive Study of an After-Care Program With a Statistical Analysis of Its Effectiveness, 1952-1958

Susanne W Peplow, Fordham University


"The American Psychiatric Association reported today that thirty per cent of all patients in mental hospitals were more than sixty-five years old. A leading psychiatrist declared that many of the older persons did not belong in such institutions and should be cared for by their families."The administrators of mental hospitals agreed generally that many of the older persons could be cared for outside of state mental hospitals if facilities such as nursing homes, foster homes, day care hospitals, or homes for the aged were available.

Subject Area

Mental health|Psychology|Health care management

Recommended Citation

Peplow, Susanne W, "Mental Illness and Public Assistance in Connecticut: A Descriptive Study of an After-Care Program With a Statistical Analysis of Its Effectiveness, 1952-1958" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097049.
