The Married Woman Pregnant Out of Wedlock a Study of Seventeen Referrals to St. Mary’s Shelter, a Branch of the New York Foundling Hospital, During 1958, With an Emphasis on Three Cases

Marie Tammetta, Fordham University


The married woman pregnant out of wedlock who comes to St. Mary's Shelter, a division of The New York Foundling Hospital, does so because she knows that although she has the status of a married woman, her unborn child was not conceived within that marital union. The problems she encounters in her extra marital pregnancy may be similar to those of the unmarried mother and perhaps further complicated by the factor of her marriage. At the time a mother requests the help of a social agency, we can assume that "in becoming pregnant out of a marriage relationship, she has violated widely accepted and deeply rooted social and religious mores ; in our culture her behavior is usually symptomatic of some degree of emotional disturbance and that she will have a baby 1 for whom plans will have to be made.

Subject Area

Health care management|Obstetrics and gynecology

Recommended Citation

Tammetta, Marie, "The Married Woman Pregnant Out of Wedlock a Study of Seventeen Referrals to St. Mary’s Shelter, a Branch of the New York Foundling Hospital, During 1958, With an Emphasis on Three Cases" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097061.
