Residence Programs Providing Treatment Services for Adolescent Girls; A Description of Seven of These Units in New York City, 1959–1960

Theresa Gail Schintzius, Fordham University


Background of the study. "In attempting to meet the special as well as the basic needs of emotionally disturbed children, public and voluntary agencies have been developing new types of foster home and group care over the past several years. As the psychological development, effects of emotional as well as physical neglect and deprivation, and the traumatic early experiences of children coming into placement have become better understood, these have added impetus to the development of services. One such specialized service designed to meet the needs of a portion of the emotionally disturbed children in New York City was the focal point of this study.

Subject Area

Psychology|Developmental psychology

Recommended Citation

Schintzius, Theresa Gail, "Residence Programs Providing Treatment Services for Adolescent Girls; A Description of Seven of These Units in New York City, 1959–1960" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097065.
