"Adoption of Refugee Children: A Study of the Adoptive Placements of Eu" by Majella Sullivan

Adoption of Refugee Children: A Study of the Adoptive Placements of European Children Through the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, 1951–1959, in Affiliation With the Catholic Committee for Refugees

Majella Sullivan, Fordham University


Strangers in a strange land are not an uncommon occurrence. Migrations of people from one place to another, due to a multiplicity of causes — famine, flood, religious or political strife — have occurred periodically through the ages. Countries, heeding the words of Christ spoken during His discourse on the Last Judgment, literally have "taken them in".

Subject Area

European Studies|Social research|Religion

Recommended Citation

Sullivan, Majella, "Adoption of Refugee Children: A Study of the Adoptive Placements of European Children Through the Angel Guardian Home, Brooklyn, 1951–1959, in Affiliation With the Catholic Committee for Refugees" (1960). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097074.
