A Mental Hospital in Review, 1888 to 1953 A Study of St. Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg, N. Y. With Emphasis on Present Status

John J Stachnick, Fordham University


Background Of The Study. Happiness is thought by some persons to depend entirely upon sound physical health. Others believe that the road to happiness is merely in the development of the intellect. Certainly, no one will deny that good health and adequate intelligence are eminently desirable attributes, but to attain true happiness and the joy of living, there must be added to them another essential; that is mental health. "A sound mind in a sound body” is a good slogan, but unfortunately, a sound body does not always assure a sound mind.The delicate balance of a complicated precision instrument is frequently disrupted by even the slightest change of the elements. This is also true of the human mind. The factors for such maladjustments may have been inate from infancy; they may accumulate over a considerable portion of the life span; or they may suddenly develop at any given period. Sometimes they are clear-cut and obvious to the psychiatrist or social worker but often they are obscured by a tangled web of emotional relationships that must be patiently unraveled in the course of psychiatric study, diagnosis and treatment.

Subject Area

Social studies education|Mental health|Social work

Recommended Citation

Stachnick, John J, "A Mental Hospital in Review, 1888 to 1953 A Study of St. Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg, N. Y. With Emphasis on Present Status" (1955). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097078.
