A Historical Study of the Development of the Aged Unit, Family Service, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, February 1952 to April 1955

Charlotte Marie Noble, Fordham University


Background of the Study. The so-called problem of the aged is not merely restricted to this specific age category but also affects our entire population and the society in which we live. In the same manner elderly people themselves are subject to certain attitudes which society has toward them and which have contributed greatly to the existing situation. Here in the United States, for example, many have the idea that old people are merely economic liabilities and should be treated like antiquated machinery; that they should be discarded and are undeserving of any substantial help. Since this study is devoted to understanding and helping old people it is felt that there should be some review of these attitudes and thoughts and how they have become a part of our American culture.Our early history in fact was dominated by youth and the establishment of this country in actuality was a rejection of old ways and methods. It emphasized what a young nation as well as young people can do by themselves. In this matter we have always been proud of the fact that as a country we have accomplished so much in so very j little time. This has been possible because of our faith and belief in the individual; that every man has the right to seek his own destiny.

Subject Area

American studies|Spirituality|Religion

Recommended Citation

Noble, Charlotte Marie, "A Historical Study of the Development of the Aged Unit, Family Service, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, February 1952 to April 1955" (1955). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI31097096.
